Chrome Dentures
We are specialists in casting and finishing of the simple, to the most complex Chrome denture designs
Cobalt-chrome dentures are, as the name suggests, made from a combination of chrome and cobalt, which means they are able to resist corrosion. Chrome dentures are more expensive than acrylic dentures but often prove to be a better long term investment. They are stronger so less likely to break. In addition, they are less bulky, so lighter and more comfortable in the mouth. As an additional advantage, they are easier to keep clean because the material is less porous than acrylic, so the resulting denture is more hygienic.Cobalt-chrome dentures can be used to replace one or more teeth and don’t affect appearance as the metal parts are not visible when appliance is worn. Key parts of the denture are covered with acrylic that matches the colour of your gums, so they will not be noticeable during everyday wear.
Our Premium chrome dentures are produced using Vitallium 2000. It is the new standard for premium cobalt chrome alloys, providing extraordinary strength and unprecedented fracture resistance, whilst allowing for smaller, lighter, more delicately designed frameworks, guaranteeing patient comfort and acceptance. The low weight of this alloy combined with the high quality polish achieved ensures both the comfort and satisfaction of the patient. Its lower Vickers Hardness minimises abrasion on opposing dentition, and, coupled with yield strength of over 600 MPa's, Vitallium 2000 resists permanent deformation. Vitallium 2000 is highly biocompatible, containing no nickel or Beryllium and maintains a high luster preventing any tarnishing or corrosion.
Independent Chrome Dentures-
All our independent cases uses BEGO Wironit, a material which has been tried and tested since 1953 and is part of the BEGO system. The BEGO system stands for consistent, reproducible results at a high productivity level and affordable price. BEGO Wironit has a higher tensile strength and ultimate elongation. The breaking elongation is reduced producing a harder and stiffer alloy, ideal for combination work. The alloy is free from nickel, cadmium, beryllium and lead, making it biocompatible and high corrosion resistant. Its reduced Vickers hardness makes it easy to process and can be polished simply and quickly. The dense, smooth surface minimises plaque build-up and thus protects the restoration from deposits. BEGO Wironit also has a very low thermal conductivity, emphasising the wearing comfort of the prosthesis for the patient.
Private Chrome Dentures-
Our private dentures are produced using Remanium ® GM 800+, an alloy with a high degree of elasticity and set standards for maximum mechanical loading capacity. For this reason partial denture frameworks made of remanium® can be designed to be very thin and delicate. All Dentaurum partial denture alloys provide: Easy castability, prevention of overheating due to mirror effect on melt surface and high-gloss surfaces. An alloy with a high modulus of elasticity and an extremely high 0.2 % yield strength, this combination enables the construction of delicate designs with an extremely high spring force. Remanium® GM 800+ is free of beryllium, iron, nickel, indium, gallium and copper.
For further information on our chrome dentures, please don’t hesitate to Contact us.
For any questions or further information please don’t hesitate to contact us on the details below:
Tel : 01902 500 235
Pinnacle Prosthetics Limited, Old Nail Works, Brick Street, Sedgley, Dudley, DY3 1NT